Test over 180 of the most researched and important genetic variants AND have your results reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Henderson, a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner with over 30 years of experience.
Here’s how this add-on works:
- Place your order for the MaxGen The Works Panel testing kit and receive it as your home (US only)
- Follow the instructions to collect your saliva sample
- Put your collection in the mail via the provided instructions
- When your results are received, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kim
- Receive a 1-hour consultation
In your 1-hour consultation, you will receive:
- A comprehensive review of your results
- We will go through the report line-by-line
- A personalized strategy for further testing to see how your genetics are impacting your function and physiology
- Supportive recommendations based upon what is highly evident from your results
About the MaxGen The Works Panel
The Works is our most comprehensive genetics report, combining our MaxFood, MaxFunction, and MaxFitness reports into one. This panel tests approximately 180 of the most researched and most important genetic variants, providing insights into crucial aspects of your health.
Your customized report will include:
- MTHFR and other methylation SNPs
- Your stress response (fight-or-flight)
- Advanced vitamin & nutrient supplementation
- Antioxidant production and recycling in the body (Glutathione)
- Detoxification process for hormones, chemicals, and heavy metals
- Sensitivity to insecticides and other chemicals
- Response to inflammatory stimuli
- Genetic expression and the repair of your DNA
- Neurotransmitters and brain health
- Histamine production and breakdown
- Blood clotting and iron metabolism
- Your energy and overall production
- Cell repair damaged by free radicals
- Fat loss in response to exercise
- Fat & Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Eating Behaviors
- Vitamin Deficiencies
- Food Sensitivities
- Blood Sugar & Cardiovascular issues
- Obesity & Weight Loss strategies
- Body Strength potential
- Endurance vs sprinter
- VO2 Max
- Cardiovascular health
- Follow-up lab testing specific to you
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